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Welcome to 29 Outdoor Gear
Thank you for visiting 29 Outdoor Gear. We invite you to stop by our shop located in the heart of American Canyon, just off of highway 29.
If you can't make into the shop and you have questions for us, please give us a call or e-mail us
We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon.
Founded in 2014, 29 Outdoor Gear is American Canyon owned by Jerry Kunzman and David Lang, two local residents of the Napa Area. They have both built successful businesses that run on their own. The two longtime friends are firearms enthusiasts and customers in the bay area. Read more about us...
If you can't make into the shop and you have questions for us, please give us a call or e-mail us
We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon.
Founded in 2014, 29 Outdoor Gear is American Canyon owned by Jerry Kunzman and David Lang, two local residents of the Napa Area. They have both built successful businesses that run on their own. The two longtime friends are firearms enthusiasts and customers in the bay area. Read more about us...
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